Friday, February 14, 2014

New serial number page, check it out

Sore-Throat Guitar Amplifiers
Serial Number List.
Regeneration from written records.

Please Comment or Email to inform us of missing numbers, incorrect records, or updates. We will gladly add your box type, color, or “tech mods.”

We appreciate your help finding the little lost amplifiers!

NEW LIST starting at # 214
These are STA or STGA models only.
Most manufacturing completed after 2012.
Some units not “sold in order” due to customer’s style preference, “old stock” sold years later, returns and trade-ins, and units having more than one owner.


214.                                                                              230. Mike R. ,IL . USA RCA mod. 

215.                                                                              231.

216. Chris. B., Wash. USA, STGA                                232.
217.                                                                               233.
218.                                                                              234.
220.                                                                              235.
221.                                                                               236.
222. Edward. USA Horizontal Jack display model.             237. Pedal Board model, south Salem


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New pedal board AMPS-face logos-For Sale on

 So here is what the new pedal board style Sore-Throat Guitar Amps look like
Of course, the wood knobs are missing off the front controls,

the left gain would be RED ,
the right volume would be light brown wood grain ,
 I put black stripes on each as indications of settings.

new graphics page for the new manual-actually from early 1990's !

note: this page will fold in half, hot dog style, so the manual fits in guitar cases ,neck position.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Last of the art Logos, bottom jack Amps. Manufacturing switching over to pedals

So this is one of the last ART Logo units to be built, with the jacks on the bottom and the switch in the side.

There are a couple left- overs offered on-line for sale, but we are not manufacturing any more of this style.
Units for sale
You can still get paper logos to match, if you need to repair your front panels.
Looking forward to making the PEDAL BOARD models- you get a better value, and the amp is so flexible.

I will post copies of the new manual pages as they come, Hot off the "press", and you can read about the new features and hook-ups.

The PEDAL BOARD models also have an RCA jack that carries the Hot -Tip output- You can drive a mechanical  Spring Reverb can with it, and leave all the 1/4 inch stuff in place, undisturbed.

I have a "pedal-train style" bare- bones board, and a nice 3- spring reverb can tucked under the works-
never need to disconnect anything.   SEE the old "injured Octopus" circuit board below-
 SEE the new PEDAL BOARD model below- Kick the power rocker battery or ext. power spot !

new STGA manual page-down load a copy for yer amp

Very important note: If you decide to sell or trade your STG amp, please let us know on the email, or the BlogSpot, because of our serial number tracking. Only the original owners qualify for the free repairs and trades, and we like to know the world-wide locations of the little amps. Ask the new owner if he would like to send us his name and info.
Also, if your Amp is damaged, please save all the parts and pieces for us. No matter how extensive, we will give you credit towards a new unit, maybe even rebuild the original. We have had car tires run over amps, and they still worked!
Thank you for your help.
LOGOS—All of the old logos for mod1 and mod2 boxes, and also the 1980-1990 amplifiers, have been used up, and we will not be building anymore amps with the old-style logos or mechanical layouts. There are some left-overs and some returned units that may be available, check out our and EBay .com sites for these. We will sell what paper logos we have in stock, (some people use them to repair front panel damage or to customize their units) but we will not print anymore new. Collectors may wish to obtain a few, Email for availability.

The Other Cool Features in the STG Amps.
Hand-Wired in the USA !
We will continue to include:
USAVintage 1950’s blue/white stripe cloth wire.
USA Vintage 1950’s black stripe telephone wire.
USA White rocker slide switches.
USA Rubber grommet pass-through’s.
PE film tape, silver solder grounds.
USA made carbon-composition resistors (input).
TI and Motorola 1458 I.C.’s
…until our stock runs dry, we can’t scrounge any more, or a real apocalypse destroys the work shop!
It is difficult to impossible to find this kind of quality anywhere, so please support our efforts.
You can purchase these items, and get free post in the Continental U.S.
New and discontinued LOGOS……. $2.00 each
1988-1990’s Newsletters copies……. $ 4.00 each
4-screw connector terminals…………$ 3.00 each
Low noise op-amp I.C.’s w/schematic..$ 3.00 each
Coloring pages for children (!) ………$ 1.00 each
(Some are available on BlogSpot, free download)
New-detector Amps for the ERSA-1 Radio Hunter pistol grips, with 2 finger triggers……$ 28.95 each
Universal Power Module (new mod 4). $14.95 each
(Battery box for Det. Amp/ STGA repl