Here is some new information on amplifiers built with #d prefix. The last serial number page stopped at #d50. New information has been found relating to numbers up to d79.
Many of the " d " series were pre- build models where the hardware was assembled and units stored. The amp electronics was added later', just before units were offered for sale.
That wasthe case with # d79 . The case and hardware were manufactured in 1996, then the unit was finished and modified in 1998.
The unit is also listed as being 82 percent recycled materials. I wonder how I figured that out ?
It was packaged with a headphone adapter, and RCA jumper cables.
Its not in the records, but the unit may have had two owners. ( returned and re-sold)
Now, the new challenge is to find more records to link serial numbers from d50 to d79.
If you have seen the little amps out there somewhere, let us know the style and serial numbers so we can fill -in the blanks.
Stories of the headphone amps are also always welcome.